Understanding VPS Hosting: What Is It And Why You Need It?

VPS (Virtual Private Server) is a kind of web hosting server where website owners get dedicated resources without choosing a core dedicated hosting service. VPS hosting services are useful for medium-level traffic that exceeds the limits of shared hosting plans.

Virtual private server solutions usually offer more than one hosting plan. For instance, reliable VPS hosting like MilesWeb offers Linux and Windows VPS hosting services to scale your websites seamlessly and has the cheapest VPS hosting price in India.  Hence, whenever you need more resources, VPS hosting is the perfect solution for upgrading websites and more server resources.

What is VPS Hosting?

Virtual Private Server hosting, traditionally known as VPS hosting, is a form of hosting for websites that employ virtualization to set up an isolated environment for your site on a piece of physical hardware. This can be likened to staying in a large apartment complex; you occupy part of it together with other tenants. However, your neighbors’ behavior has no bearing on how much storage space, processor time, or memory power they enjoy.

Key Features of VPS Hosting

Here’s a breakdown of the key features of VPS hosting:

  • Dedicated Resources: Unlike shared hosting, where you share resources with other websites, VPS hosting provides you with a dedicated allocation of CPU, RAM, and storage. This means your website’s performance won’t be impacted by traffic spikes on other websites sharing the server.
  • Increased Control: With VPS hosting, you often get root access to your server environment, which allows you to install custom software, configure settings, and manage your server as needed. This gives you more flexibility compared to shared hosting.
  • Improved Security: Since each VPS is isolated from others on the same server, a security issue on one VPS won’t affect your website. This enhances the overall security of your website.

If your site is outgrowing shared hosting, and you require more performance, control, and security, it might be time to consider VPS. If your traffic volumes fluctuate regularly, it would also be a great option for e-commerce stores, development environments, or any other kind of website.

Benefits of VPS Hosting

  1. No Resource Sharing

If you compare shared hosting and VPS hosting, noisy neighbors are sharing the same server resources in  shared hosting. Whereas, VPS hosting services incorporate dedicated resources. Hence, there will be no intrusion of noisy neighbors in your server infrastructure. You will pay a little more in comparison to shared hosting for the solitude. With a VPS, there are other users on the physical server, but they are blocked out into a more private and protected block of the hard drive.

  1. Dedicated Resources

One of the benefits of VPS hosting is that you will have complete access to all of your server resources. The resources you get with a VPS are usually more than those you get with a shared hosting plan. No other customer will have access to your CPU, RAM, space, or bandwidth.

  1. Speed

With VPS hosting services, the website’s speed is all dependent on the amount of server resources being used by other websites at any given time. Shared hosts the server to function with a wide range of website configurations.

On the other hand, VPS hosting servers are optimized specifically for your website. Due to more configurations, a managed VPS hosting will be efficient because web hosts look after all technical aspects.

  1. Affordability and Value

Reliable VPS hosting services are affordable. Same features you are getting like dedicated hosting at a lower cost. High-performance VPS hosting services do not cost more than shared hosting plans. You can easily upgrade from shared hosting to VPS hosting services at a competitive cost.

Summing Up

Shared hosting might have been your trusty companion for your website’s beginnings, but as your needs grow, it’s time to consider an upgrade. VPS hosting offers the perfect balance of increased control, dedicated resources, and affordability. With a VPS, you get the reliability and security of a dedicated server, minus the hefty price tag.

So, if you’re experiencing performance issues, crave more customization, or simply want to future-proof your website’s growth, VPS hosting is the ideal next step.  Take the leap and unlock the potential of your website with the power and control of a VPS!

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Vipin Kumar May 22, 2024 0 Comments

What Does a Digital Marketing Expert Do?

What Does a Digital Marketer Do?

If you’re searching for a digital marketing position where you’ll build up a various skill set, manage digital marketing campaigns diagonally multiple channels, and set up yourself for a marketing guidance role, you should judge becoming a digital marketing expert.

When company hire for this role, they are searching for digital marketing professionals that can design, execute, and manage online marketing campaigns diagonally multiple marketing channels: organic search, paid search, and display advertising, email, and social media. Content marketing, digital public relations, and influencer marketing are also amongst the most imperative skills for digital marketing expert .

Whereas digital marketing agencies are given to hire channel specialists with opposite skill sets, most digital marketing expert jobs are in-house positions where new hires are predictable to reveal a extent of online marketing skills and facts. This makes digital marketing expert jobs particularly difficult, but there’s too huge probable for expansion and knowledge purchase that can lead to job improvement in the future.

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If you’re nervous by the brave of becoming a digital marketing expert, we’ve put collectively this reserve to help you get in progress. You’ll learn what digital marketing specialists do each day, the most significant skills they require to succeed, and the fastest technique to become a digital marketing expert.

What Does a Digital Marketing expert?

Create and implement Digital Marketing Campaigns

As a digital marketing expert, you will build up and implement digital tactic for your business. You’ll be liable for planning, building, and implementing digital marketing campaigns across multiple channels and platforms. You will use organic search campaigns, paid advertising, email marketing, social media, and other channels to increase consciousness about your company, brand, products, and services.

Ad Copywriting & Content Creation

A few digital marketing experts may work with writers or have right of entry to a resources for hiring freelance writers, but for the most part, digital marketing experts are predictable to perform ad copywriting and content creation to carry their online marketing campaigns.

Read More: What is Google AdSense? – Definition & Information

That include writing guest posts for Digital PR campaigns, creating articles and other possessions for organic search, and still writing eBooks for gated content plays, Digital marketing experts must have brilliant credible writing skills and a well-organized content making process to be successful.

Develop Visual resources for Digital Campaigns

Various digital marketing experts work beside graphic designers who carry their marketing campaigns by creating visual assets, but most are predictable to achieve this work themselves. The best digital marketing experts have advanced knowledge of graphical tools like Adobe Illustrator and can use them to develop assets for show advertising, email marketing campaigns, or infographic marketing.

Manage Websites & Publish Content

Digital marketing experts manage their organization’s websites and publish content to support their marketing campaigns.

As digital marketing experts, you’ll need to appreciate your company’s content management system and be bright to achieve technical website optimizations by modifying HTML or CSS code.

Monitor & Optimize Marketing Campaigns

As a digital marketing expert, you will be estimated to observe the show of your marketing campaigns and optimize them over time. You will use data analytics software tools like Google Analytics to appreciate how your web traffic is being generated and recognize the best opportunities to precede business goals like generating brand attentiveness or increasing conversions. You will use visual design skills in arrangement with adaptation rate optimization (CRO) software to progress the piece of landing pages and drive conversions.

Communicate Results to Leadership

As a digital marketing expert in an in-house role, you will likely be exposure to a Marketing Manager or Director of Marketing within your business. You will require preparing reports, dashboards, or presentations to express the results of your work. You will require analyzing campaign outcomes and showing a positive return-on-investment from digital channels. You may be responsible for get-together exact KPI targets, such as total conversions, total leads generated, or number of engagements.

Read More: What is Google AdWords and How Does Google AdWords Work?

A Few Skills for Digital Marketing Experts

Digital marketing expert’s preparation digital marketing campaigns across multiple channels create and publish written and visual content to support marketing initiatives, optimize their marketing funnels to progress show, and communicate their results to company leaders.

The skills listed below cover the most important technical competencies for a successful digital marketing expert.

Search engine optimization (SEO)Digital marketing experts should be acquire advanced knowledge of SEO and the skill to create and well manage organic search campaigns.

Pay-per-click Advertising (PPC) – Digital marketing experts are estimated to deliver beneficial PPC campaigns across multiple ad networks, including Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Paid social advertising.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) – Digital marketing experts use CRO to optimize their marketing funnels and advance landing page conversion rates. CRO is an important skill for improving campaign performance and ensuring overall productivity.

Data Analysis – Digital marketing experts use data analytics to determine, analyze, and report on campaign performance. Analytics skills are decisive for developing precise insights and making data-driven marketing decisions.

Email Marketing – Digital marketers design email marketing campaigns, then bear them by writing newsletters and lead nurturing emails that keep prospects occupied until they are prepared to buy.

Social Media Marketing – Digital marketing experts are predictable to be experts in rising high-quality followers and building commitment across the four main social channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Content Marketing – Digital marketing experts should be known with the process of content marketing and how to create satisfied that is outstanding, shareable, useful, and drives genuine engagement from interested audiences.

Digital PR – Digital PR is an area of marketing that focuses on developing and increasing online presence during high-quality back link generation, press releases, guest posting, and other initiatives that raise position and brand contact online. Digital marketing experts are expected to promote their organizations using Digital PR tactics and methods.

Website CMS – To fulfill their website administration and content publishing tasks, digital marketing specialists should be experts in website content management systems – especially WordPress, the CMS used by virtually a third of all websites.

HTML & CSS – HTML and CSS are mark-up languages used to format the content that appears on a web page. Digital marketing specialists, who understand HTML and CSS are extra expensive – they can make changes to a website, customize and perform content experiments, and design landing pages on their own.

How to Become Digital Marketing experts

Becoming a digital marketing expert will want you to develop a wide skill set, but you’ll learn a huge amount about digital marketing in the process and get ready yourself for a Digital Marketing Manager or Marketing Director Task in the future.

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Here’s how to get started on the way to becoming a digital marketing specialist:

Increase Your Digital Marketing Skill Set

As digital marketing experts, you’ll require to develop a very wide technical skill set to be successful. You can start to increase your skill set by searching for free assets online, such as podcasts, webinars, videos, and even blog posts and articles. You can also expand your technical knowledge by taking our digital marketing course at Directive Institute.

Develop a Process for Success

Here’s what sets Directive Institute apart from other marketing courses online:

Instead of focusing on theoretical knowledge, we’ve designed our courses to deliver a proven process for generating real results and to help you gain practical experience by putting that process into action.

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When you search for digital marketing experts jobs, you’ll find all kinds of requirements for education, experience, qualifications, and the rest of it – but what trumps all of that is being able to deliver results, and that’s exactly what our SEO, PPC, CRO, and Data Analytics course modules help with.

Apply for Digital Marketing experts Jobs

When you feel certain in applying your skills, you’re ready to start applying for digital marketing experts jobs. Congratulations! Be ready to explain indication of your past marketing successes as part of the conference process and influence your potential employer that you have what it takes to succeed.

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Vipin Kumar August 20, 2021 0 Comments

What is Google AdWords and How Does Google AdWords Work?

What is Google AdWords?

AdWords is a advertising platform Google developed to assist businesses arrive at online target markets through its search engine platform and partner sites. These associate sites host a text or image ad that appears on the page after a customer searches for keywords and phrases associated to a business and its products or services. On Google.com, AdWords ads usually appear in particular locations at the top and below side of a search results page.

You can decide keywords related to your brand, products, services and industry for your AdWords account. While customers search for these phrases, your store’s ad will be served to them. You only pay while a user clicks on your ad and visits your website or calls your industry using “click to call.”

Google AdWords (also well-known as pay-per-click) is a stage run by Google that allows companies to advertise their website in search results when a customer searches for a specific keyword.

Advertisers “pay per click” on their ads. These ads display on the top of the search results page, as well as the side.

Google AdWords is Google’s advertising service. It lets you make ads to display on various Google-owned platforms, as well as Google’s Search Partner Network.

One of the main places you will see AdWords ads is on Google’s search results pages. They are the program labeled as “Ad” that can show above and below the search results for some searches, particularly product-related searches.

AdWords is largely based on a pay-per-click (PPC) pricing Tool. So, you only pay when somebody clicks on your ads. There is as well CPM pricing, where you pay per 1,000 ad impressions, but this is not as well-liked as the PPC option.

Read More: 10 tips for getting the most out of Google AdWords

Whatsoever pricing tools you choose, you decide the cost of your campaign by location an everyday budget. The pricing and budgeting options give you manage over how much you pay in total, and how much you pay for each click.

Why spend in google adwords?

If you set up an AdWords account and set a considerable bid, you promise that your ad will show when a user searches for the exact keyword you chooses. This can help give you more express control over total traffic to your website.

AdWords can moreover be supportive for being paid the word out about new services you have on track or specials you are running!

Types of Ad

As previously mentioned, one of the most frequent types of AdWords ad is a text ad that appears on Google search result pages. AdWords ads can show in a number of other locations, including Google Image Search, Google Shopping, or the Google Search Partner Network.

Google Shopping populates your ad with in sequence taken from a product data feed you upload to Google. This includes the product image and price creation them, in many situations, more impactful than text ads.

The Google Search Partner Network includes some Google websites, as well as a network of millions of other websites that offer space to run ads.

You can also run remarketing ad campaigns through AdWords. its place of targeting ads using keywords, Google displays your ads to people who have visited your website in the past.

How does Google AdWords Works

Mainly ads set up in AdWords target keywords that natives use when searching in Google. When someone searches with one of your chosen keywords, Google uses a competitive sale to determine which ads to display.

How does the aggressive Auction Work?

For many keywords, there are more advertisers that desire to appear on a search results page than there are slots available. Google must make a decision which ads to display and in what order. It does this through a competitive auction that considers three main features of your ad:

– Keyword

– Quality Score

– Bid

Let’s look at each in more detail.


Keywords are an important part of running nearly everyone types of ad campaigns using Google AdWords. In other words, receiving your keyword tactic wrong can mean a lower return on investment.

For example, if you wrongly select keywords that don’t have buying objective, you may end up paying for clicks from users who are searching for information, rather than for potential products to buy.

Read More: What is Google AdSense? – Definition & Information

Keywords are not the simply critical factor of an effective Google AdWords campaign. In fact, in some campaigns, such as remarketing campaigns, keywords don’t apply at all.

That said, for many campaigns, keywords are very significant.

Keywords in a Google AdWords campaign are known one of three match options:

Broad match – your ad can potentially display on any user search that contains the keyword

Phrase match – your ad will only display when the exact phrase is used in a user search

Exact match – your ad will only show when the search exactly matches the keyword

Quality Score

Google gives your ad a Quality Score for every keyword you target. This score indicates how helpful and related Google thinks your ad is. In simple terms, a better score is probable to get a more well-known placement. This applies even if another advertiser bids higher.

Google uses numerous factors to determine Quality Score. This includes the content of the ad, the ad’s CTR (Click-Through Rate), and the ad’s landing page.


This is the amount of money you are set to pay for each click. The stage you set often determines if your ad appears for a particular search and, if so, where.

AdWords is a complete advertising tool offering a quantity of options depending on your industry, customers, and objectives. In addition, Google’s tools and platforms remain amid the largest and most widely used on the internet.

This means the likely audience you can reach is significant. For many businesses, AdWords is an important part of their advertising tactic.

How does AdWords benefit ecommerce businesses?

The two main conduct AdWords can support your online retail business are by improving brand awareness and driving qualified traffic to your site. Other benefits of using AdWords include:

Customers connect definite keywords and phrases with your business

You can target with AdWords, significance the ads follow a customer to other Google sites like YouTube and The New York Times – that improves conversion and reduces cost-per-click.

You have the give to determine which sites host your ads

Spotlight on your target market by honing in on definite regions and cities

AdWords recognize who is searching for your products

AdWords reminds customers of what they before searched for, observance your brand top of mind

AdWords support you optimize current campaigns and leverage results for improved overall success

Google AdWords helps customers discover what they’re looking for in a faster, more customized mode. Including a unique selling position in your ad can also help trade determine why your business is better than your contest.

AdWords is a reasonable, easy-to-use advertising stage that can increase traffic and sales for your ecommerce store.

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Vipin Kumar August 20, 2021 0 Comments

What is Google AdSense? – Definition & Information

What is Google AdSense?

Simply put, Google AdSense is a free and easy way to an advertising platform you can use to generate revenue by allowing Google to place ads on your website that allows website operators to monetize their sites by running contextually relevant Google ads, generating revenue based on clicks or impressions.

Webmasters can place the Adsense ads wherever they want on their website by modifying the html tags.

Start monetizing your website through Google AdSense.


Google AdSense is a well-liked method for websites to make money from advertisements, all the way from part-time bloggers to some of the more publishers on the web. AdWords advertisers pay Google either by the click (PPC) or impression (CPM). In turn, Google shares a profit of that revenue with the AdSense publishers.

Google AdSense serves ads via plain text, as different to graphical content that conquered the advertising sight when it was introduced in 2003. Google decided to provide plain text in an effort to minimize the intrusiveness of advertisements, to optimize the page loading speeds, and ultimately, to extract a more encouraging marketing response from the site visitor.

Google AdSense Advertising

Obtain your ads in the right place to see your customer is key. You will solitary get the peak quality of ads targeted toward your audience on your page. Having hole on your website to display ads will help you produce more revenue for your business. There are millions of advertisers opposing for different ad spaces and your site could be one of them.

Google AdSense Content

Want not to concern about what ads are located on your site since all the ads submitted to Google are reviewed so the content is family safe for your page. You besides have the capability to chunk assured ads you do not feel like to be seen on your page. You can choose on where the ads are placed on your site and what they look like. These ads are also prepared to be displayed on any device whether it is mobile or desktop.

Making money with Google AdSense

Your website can build money for you. The most recognizable way that this is done is during helping third party ads for products or services on your website. Google AdSense is the most frequent way that people do this today. Google AdSense has been roughly for almost 20 years and pays billions of dollars a year to run advertisements. People all over the world take help of Google AdSense to monetize their websites and it could very well be a great choice for you as well.

How does Google AdSense work?

Surrounding up Google AdSense is not extremely difficult at all. You create an account and add some code to your webpages. Google will then start to run ads on your webpages. They use an algorithm that determines which ads to run on which websites. This is proprietary and no one really knows exactly what the formula is. However, bearing and site quality are apparently two of the most significant aspects.

After that, visitors to your site will start bearing in mind the ads. Once they click on the ads, you will start receiving paid!

It all starts with the advertisers who crave to post their ads on other websites or webpages for more traffic. Once they choose the applicable website for the ad posting, they put a small code as per space and technology accessible on the website. Then they start paying as per the CPC (Cost Per Click) method. Both the parties set a per-click cost and then the business starts.

How much can you earn with Google AdSense?

That is a difficult question to answer. There are a lot of factors that go into how much you will earn. AdSense revenue depends on a huge number of factors. Things like traffic, location, ad set up, and types of content all play a role in how much you can earn.

There are surely niches that pay much more although. It may appear like a good idea to make your website and blog around the most costly keywords. While that is not essentially a bad idea, many other people do that as well which drives up keyword struggle.

Traffic is decisive to your success

Earn money in Google AdSense depends on a wide diversity of variables. Your subject, matter, quality of content, and audience. Most prominently is your traffic though. Making money from Google AdSense is reliant on clicks. With the regular click through rate balanced around 1%, it is clear that you will need many thousands of visitors to have a probability to earn money.

With this in mind, it makes more sense to write concerning things you enjoy and know about. Generating more revenue will be easier with more pages. It is perverse to expect to make thousands of dollars from a dozen pages on your site.

Scope in the industry

There is a vast scope in the industry for Google Adsense if you know how to perform in this advertising plan. You need to learn the planning of reorganization the ad in the right direction and receiving latent customers. You need to remain yourself updated with the google updates and you need to be inspired as well.


You can place your ad on more than one website

Easy and fast to use.

Probable customers visit your webpage or website.

Higher conversion rate

No product required for the ad.

Google AdSense Tips

Present a few good traditions to maximize the value of your ads on your site. You want to make the most out of them, so here are some recommendations:

A/B test ads throughout your site

Conduct experiment with different colors and themes- If the ads match your site’s colors, it may be valuable switching colors around to see if it influences your click through rate.

Enable post targeting-This allows advertisers the capability to choose where their ads go.

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Vipin Kumar August 20, 2021 0 Comments

Social Μedia Marketing Tipѕ For Sucсessful Business Mаrketing

Conduct Research

Finding new and different techniques to promote your соmpany can be difficult. Fortunately, there are sосial media practices that offer great ways to reach new аυdiences. Here are some of the ways tо markеt buѕinеsses on socіal mеdia so that your busіness ѕuсcеedѕ bоth onlіnе and offlіne.

Whеn υsing sоcial mеdia tο market yοur compаny’s products or sеrvіces, mаkе sure that yoυ provide ѕome іncеntivеs, but don’t be pυѕhу. Seth Godin often explains the process of purchase as being driven by wants not needs, so hit the nerve with why they want this, not why they need this! Cοnsumerѕ рrefеr tо mаke a рurchasе becaυѕе they believe that it was their idеа and not уοurs. Your beѕt bet is tо regulаrly post an incentive or ѕale, but no more than once weekly and when you do so make sure they are different opportunities, if they feel there is always a deal then you lose that allure of reward. Worse, if that offer isn’t there when they are ready to purchase they’ll feel cheated! Јust float the ideа of a deal аround them and lеt them know it’ѕ еxpіrіng sοоn. Yоυr cuѕtomеrs will do the reѕt. If they don’t you might want to rethink the offer and even reach out to inquire.

Have A Consistent Schedule

Your sосiаl mеdiа nеtwоrk profile is a perfect placе tο help аttraсt nеw bυsinesѕ to уour company and іt can meаn more sales for the product that tells a great story. I always recommend using individuals (employees) sοcial nеtwοrking prоfіlеs and pages to advocate spеcial deals, or eνen annоυnce a nеw “whatever”. Υοu might find more success if you set up unique rewards offers and сoυpons avаilable onlу οn the personal pagеѕ. Peoрle will іnteraсt with people on soсiаl networkѕ before they will interact with an unknown brand or product, if they pеrсеіve it aѕ іnteresting then it’s the start you’ll need to build momentum.

Curate And Share

You won’t have much success in social media marketing if visitоrѕ dοn’t find value in your content, that or some emotion. Take time to proofread the соntent and I am talking about the effort around the context not the grammar. I hear everyone talking about grammar and spelling and you know what, it’s really not even close to important as the context and substance. If your content is not engaging and informative, it’s useless. To tор it off, use interesting and сatсhy headlіnеѕ аnd subtіtles, don’t just go for the search results, go for the human results.

Be Prompt

Cuѕtomеrѕ needs tο ѕее you make timely and fresh posts to your socіal mеdіa nеtworks. Give followers and readers something tο аntіcіpate and depend on. Makе а posting sсhedυle, or use a company that will post for уou in speсіfic time intervals. Тhіs allоws yοu tо ѕtaу present in yоur readerѕ’ lives. It also helps if you become a better time manager, you’ll likely start to learn things about posting on Facebook and how it is far more effective for shares on Saturday then day another day of the week. Use analytics to make informed decisions about your practices.

Read More: What is Google AdSense? – Definition & Information

Cross-Promote Across Channels

If уοu are planning on marketing οn several socіаl networking sites (which I recommend), kеeр in mind thаt each is different and in many cases has a different culture. You’ll also want рeорle to know thаt you are listening to whаt thеy say, so make sure you respond when they comment or reach out. Reaching out isn’t always about waiting if you have new followers take the initiatives and say hello, some people are just waiting to be engaged!

Grow Your Audience

I have always advocated for YouTube, I believe that video is an informational experience, it also helps that these posts on other social sites tend to be engaged far more than just text alone. Find time to generate some videos, it would be great to get a studio and shoot, but be realistic and get a tripod, just about any phone or camera can shoot a quality picture for video, the trick is in the steady frame and the audio. This is one of those times that production is more important than perfection, video is too important to content to wait till you get it right or can get it perfect.

Read More: What is Google AdWords and How Does Google AdWords Work?

Encourage Engagement

Іf Twіttеr iѕ beіng uѕed as part of your marketing strаtegy, you must be resрonsive аnd сonsistent. Gіvе peoрle who retweet your content a thumbs-υp, quiсkly respοnd to questions pеоple аsk and favorite the tweets you support. Тhіs will help sоlіdify your relatiοnships with follοwers. Your goal should be to furthеr your οnline рrеѕence aѕ both an indіvіdυal and as а professional. This is the balance between the individual and the brand accounts.

Mix Up Content

These are just a few things to consider if you want to succeed in Social Μedia Marketing. Іf yоu usе them with the intent to do it rather than get it perfect you’ll eventually leаve уoυr compеtitors іn thе dust. It’s really all about bеcome сomfοrtаble naνigating the world of digital communications, once уοu find your comfort zone try to make trυe connectiοns with both existing and prοsрective customers. Having success in social media is as much about managing the relationships you have as it is about building new ones.

Be Interactive

Discern as knowledge social media marketing tips that now posting content and not encouraging the followers to engage with what is posted can be dull and boring. The business needs to give confidence the audience to be interactive for them to be more involved with the business’s social media accounts.

Monitor Insights

The largest part essential of the social media marketing tips is to check the results after implementing all the tips. This helps give an insight into what worked for the business, what needs more effort and what needs to be avoided. Monitoring insights and analyzing the results can be learnt or businesses can ask experts to handle it by opting for SMM services (social media marketing services) such as those offered

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Vipin Kumar May 10, 2020 0 Comments

Facebook business page tips

In my last blog post I provided a quick guide to creating a Facebook business page in this post I will show you how to develop a Facebook customer engagement strategy.

Here are some great Facebook business page tips:

Post consistently and always consider the added value – Don’t spam your customers with lots of updates per day but equally don’t go for days without posting an update so strike a balance.  Also, consider your posts from your customer’s perspective i.e. what’s in it for them and why they liked your page in the first place.  Doing this will ensure you stay on message and keep your followers engaged with your page.  The more engaged your followers are with your page posts the more likely they are to continue to appear in their news feed.  If a customer ignores your posts for a prolonged period then your posts will disappear from their news feed altogether and they are unlikely to revisit your page off their own back so the likelihood is you’ve lost them forever.

Don’t just post, ask questions, and start a discussion – encourage engagement on your wall by asking questions and starting discussions.  These questions can be about your products, services, a topical news item or even asking customers about the challenges they face which your business may have the solutions for.  This tactic works really well when you are struggling for fresh new content as your followers will likely provide an angle with their response – or even result in a new sale or business opportunity!

Personalize your comments – if you have time try replying personally to your followers individually (by typing@ then typing the name of the person you want to reply to immediately afterward with no spaces).  It will make your follower feel special and show the rest of your followers that you will engage with them.

Thank your new followers – send a personal message to all new people who like your page.  This may be difficult to do if your page really takes off so another tip could be to send a weekly welcome message to all new followers – you could even list them in the body of your message.  This will reflect well on your brand, shows you actively manage your page and care about your audience.

Re-Post your best content – not all of your fans will be looking at Facebook when you post your content, some might not sign in for a while so if you have an interesting post or link to share post it several times over a few days under different guises (if you repost exactly the same it is likely to bore the original recipients!).  Don’t use this approach all the time as you can appear spammy, save it for your killer content.   You can also pin important posts to the top of your timeline for up to a week, simply however your cursor over your post, click the pencil item and select pin to top.

Swift engagement – if someone comments on a status update or posts a message on your timeline try to reply as soon as possible.  Late replies reduce the chance to continue a conversation, provide a solution to a problem, or thank a customer for their input and support.

Use Images and Video  – pages that regularly use photos, images, and videos tend to generate far more engagement than pages that don’t – after all it’s far more interesting than pure text.  If you can, try to include an image with every update and encourage your followers to share your post.  Doing so will help you reach a far greater audience than you expected and can result in people checking out your page (and hopefully following you).  Keep your images and videos in line with your brand, the viral potential can be damaging as well as beneficial.

Create Facebook Offers – once your page gets over 100 likes the offers menu will appear on your page.  This feature enables you to create interactive offers to drive sales activity and promote special deals.  Everyone likes a deal and if it’s good enough will probably tell their friends about it so encourage your fans to share it and they probably will.

Limit auto-posting – auto posting your posts, tweets, and videos might seem like a good idea especially because it saves time but could lead your fans to view your page as spammy because of the robotic nature of your communications.  If you post manually you can customize your post and will make a huge difference to your page – it doesn’t actually take that much more time to do.  I have disabled the Publicise feature in my WordPress blog for this very reason.

Promote Events – If you have an event you are organizing try inviting some of your followers using the events feature.  It’s a great way to show off how popular your business is and can create hype around the event too – people can see which of their contacts are going stimulating discussion and you can create a series of countdown status updates building up to the event so overall fantastic PR.

What do you think?  Do any of these work for you? What works for your Facebook page?  Keen to hear your views,

Tags: Social Media Marketing

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Vipin Kumar May 10, 2020 0 Comments

10 tips for getting the most out of Google AdWords

If you want to get more quality traffic to your website quickly I would recommend investing in Google AdWords. It will work much faster than trying to rank organically with search engine optimization (SEO). I’m not saying don’t invest time in SEO as it will yield long term results for the cost of your time, I suggest your SEO strategy should run alongside a Google AdWords strategy.

If your Google AdWords campaigns are set up properly and your landing pages are designed to convert visitors into paying customers you will soon see a return on your investment. Conversely a poorly managed campaign could be costly so it pays to learn how to use Google Adwords before you invest your hard-earned cash.

Essentially your Google Adwords success is about ranking your site so it is visible to the right people, getting them to click through to your landing page, and converting them to subscribers and customers.
To help you on the road to success here are my top ten tips for getting the most out of Google AdWords.

1. Define your Google AdWords Goals

Before you do anything, clearly define your Google Adwords campaign objectives. What are you looking for, more customers, more subscribers? How many new customers or subscribers are you looking for each week? Whatever objectives you decide upon you can track and measure their success within your Google Adwords account.

2. Clearly understand your target customer

You can use Google’s keyword planner to help you identify the most commonly searched for keywords. If you have a Google Analytics account set up for your site you could also use common search terms converting customers used to find your site or if your site has a search bar what people type in there.

Read More: What is Google AdWords and How Does Google AdWords Work?

I would also recommend Semrush which is a paid-for keyword research tool for far greater analysis. Semrush does however have a free service too.
This is a crucial step if you skip it or don’t spend enough time on it your campaigns will suffer.

3. Use the right keywords

If you use the right keywords you can really target profitable high converting customers. There are three ways to target customers using keywords, these are:

  • Broad matches – if a user types in a search term with some similarity to your chosen keywords then your advertisement could be displayed. For example if I wanted to advertise for public liability insurance my advertisement could be shown to people searching for other types of liability insurance. With this method there is always a chance that I will rank for the wrong traffic and ultimately lose money. For more information take a look at this post from Google https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2497836?hl=en-GB.
  • Exact matches – will exactly match your keyword. Clearly the traffic will be lower here but the return could be very high.
  • Phrase matches – Your ad will show when someone searches with your phrase. If the user also includes other words in the phrase then your ad may still appear.

4. Group your keywords

Google Adwords allows you to create campaigns and ad groups to manage different types of campaigns. This approach enables you to segment your ad campaigns into keyword themes relevant to the terms being search for. For example if you sell camera’s you could create an ad group for compact cameras, one for bridge cameras, one for digital SLRs, etc.

This is an important feature for you to consider. The more your break up your ad campaigns the more they are likely to convert plus they become easier to optimize and monitor performance.

5. Analyze the competition

You can learn a great deal by analyzing your competitor’s websites and it is worthwhile doing this generally and not just to support a Google Adwords campaign.

Read More: What is Google AdSense? – Definition & Information

Read your competitor’s ad copy and scan their landing pages to see what you can learn and take away to improve your own ad copy and landing page content. Think about how they look, would you click on them?

You will be surprised how much you can learn every time you analyze the competition so take notes and apply to your own ad copy and landing pages.

6. Bid on competitor search terms

This is a useful exercise. If you find several competitors bidding on the same keywords there is a good chance that they are worth bidding on. There are several tools that you can buy to assist you with this research. Again I would consider taking a look at Semrush.

7. Rank your keywords

If you have developed a large library of keywords it is best to rank them in order of those that are likely to be the most profitable from the start. The most profitable keywords are likely to be based on the total number of searches per month, their relevance, and competition (which drives cost).
Pick the top ranking keywords and focus on these initiatives.

8. Filter out negative keywords

Google Adwords allows you to filter out keywords that are unlikely to be a good match for your product or service, these are called negative keywords. For example if you want your ad to show when people search for “digital marketing” but you didn’t want your add to appear for people searching for “digital marketing jobs” you can add “jobs” as a negative keyword.
Negative keywords can be added for individual campaigns and also at the ad group level.

9. Don’t forget to bid on your own brand name

This might be obvious but if you don’t bid on your own brand name your completion will. If your competitors bid on your brand or URL they could rank above you even if you rank first for organic search terms.

A good defensive strategy is to bid high for your own brand search terms. You won’t be wasting money as people specifically searching for your company are likely to convert.

If you operate in a very competitive market it is possible that you could be spending a lot of your budget on your own brand search terms.

10. Track your success

Google Adwords enables you to check on whether a click on an ad resulted in conversion. Adwords places a cookie on the searcher’s computer after clicking on an ad that expires after 30 days. If during this 30 day period the searcher clicks through to a conversion page it is recorded in Adwords and is credited to the keyword which triggered the ad.

I hope you found this post useful. Getting the most out of Google AdWords may not be easy but I hope these 10 tips point you in the right direction.

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Vipin Kumar May 10, 2020 0 Comments

How to add social media buttons to your blog

When you produce regular content on your blog or website you want to attract as many visitors as possible and you want these visitors to share your content with their friends, followers, and connections.  The best way to achieve these goals is to link your site to your social networking sites by simply adding buttons (often referred to as badges) to your blog that direct people to your social media pages when they click on the relevant icon.

The great news is you don’t need to be a computer programmer to add this functionality to your site as each of the main channels has made it really easy for you and this blog post explains how to simply add social media buttons to your blog.

If you have a WordPress site like mine it’s fairly simple as most themes come with social media button functionality built-in, all you have to do is add your social media page URL to the button.  You can clearly see these at the top right-hand corner of my site.  The downside to these is they are often inflexible e.g. my current design forces me to display all of the icons or nothing and doesn’t have a LinkedIn option.

Thankfully WordPress enables you to also add a bespoke Text widget which enables you to create your own social media badges – look to the right-hand side of my blog and you will see these clearly.  All you need to do is name the widget and copy the code that you can create by following each of the links below:

Here is an example of Googles:

Adding a Google+ badge to your website or blog

If you are signed in to the channel that you wish to create a button for simply click on the link, follow the instructions such as selecting the type of button you are looking and how you want it to be displayed and copy the code.  The code can be pasted into your site in the location you want it and hey presto you have a button that links to your site.

If you look at my site as an example all I did was copy the code generated at the Google, LinkedIn and Twitter links and paste it into one Text widget and added a title “Follow me here”, here is a screenshot showing how simple this is:

Adding the code to generate social media buttons in WordPress

For the Facebook button I chose to use the ready-made Facebook Like Box widget found within Jetpack, all I had to do was add some text for the title and paste in my Facebook page URL.

I hope you found this article useful and please follow my social media channels for future posts

Also check out how:  How to write effective web content

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Vipin Kumar May 9, 2020 0 Comments

How to write effective web content

This post will help you write effective web content so that your visitors will read on and not bounce early from your site.  Follow these simple points and even if writing isn’t your strong point you will still start to see results.

Grab your visitors attention quickly

Most people these days are busy and don’t have time to read vast amounts of web content, they will quickly scan the first few lines to see if a post or page answers their query, if it doesn’t they will move on.  You don’t have long, possibly only seconds so you need to grab their attention as soon as possible.

Write clearly, concisely and get to the point immediately.

Write like a newspaper reporter

Summarise the most important points of your post first before delivering a supportive argument or message.  The user should be able to stop reading at any point and understand your point.

Make your content easy to scan

Avoid large blocks of text, use headings, sub-headings.

Use bullet points to break up your text so that it easier to scan read.

Simplify social sharing

Make sure you make it easy for your readers to share your content, after all if it’s interesting to them why wouldn’t they share your content with their network?

If you are using WordPress there are many widgets you can use, see my post How to add social media buttons to your blog for some handy tips. I’m also using the floating social plug-in so users can share content from the top or bottom of my posts.

Engage with your readers

What do you do if you feel a lack of engagement or understanding of your needs when reading web content, do you read on or bounce off?

Silly question I know and an obvious answer so try writing if you are actually talking to your readers to develop a more personal relationship.

Strive for originality (where you can)

It’s not always easy to do this particularly if the content is technical but try to strive for originality wherever you can as it will help improve your relevance with your readers and make them more likely to subscribe or return to your site.

Writing consistency

Try to keep your writing style consistent across your site and if you own or work for a large organization where there are many people contributing to your website’s content develop a style guide to help maintain consistency.

Don’t write for SEO but do think SEO

If you write your content purely to satisfy the search engines then it’s likely to be a dull read.  Always write with the goal of creating interest and engagement with your readers first, you can make a few minor SEO tweaks when you’ve finished writing the first draft.

If you are using WordPress I would recommend installing Yeost a free WordPress Plugin which helps you assess the SEO quality of your posts plus it offers a number of useful stuff to improve the SEO of your WordPress site overall.

I hope this post helps you write more effective web content,

Also check out how:  How to build traffic to your website

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Vipin Kumar May 9, 2020 0 Comments

How to build traffic to your website

Do you have a plan for building traffic to your site?  Do you know where to start?  The answers to these questions can often seem daunting but developing a brief action plan against all of the key traffic building areas I list in this post can help and yield results quickly.  This output will help you build the framework of a long-term digital marketing plan that will ultimately start to build traffic to your website

So this post is more of a list but a valuable one.  Think about what you can do now against each of these points and implement them as soon as possible.  Make sure you can track the new visitors you develop from each source in your analytics account so you can quickly measure the results to see what is working then do more of the same.

If you would like me to cover any of the points below in more detail just post the name of the topic you would like me to write about in the comments box below.

Search Marketing

Online Partnerships

Who can you build an online partnership within your market?  Who operates in a similar space but is not competing?  Who is writing blogs on your market?  Who has a similar profile of customers or visitors that could be selling or promoting your product?  Types of online partnership:

  • Affiliate Marketing – think about what deal would entice an affiliate to sign-up and make some approaches.  Are there any affiliate networks with a track record in your sector?
  • Sponsorship
  • White-labelling
  • Co-branding
  • Link building – this can help but make sure the links are natural and would resonate with your own audience,  make sure the traffic they are likely to generate is quality traffic, and not just there to boost visitors.

Online advertising

  • Purchasing advertising space on specific websites – specifically those who attract your target market in large volumes
  • Ad networks such as Google Ad Exchange or Google Adsense
  • Sponsorship
  • Audience targeting
  • Re-marketing shows advertisements to users who’ve previously visited your website as they browse the web.

Email (Opt-in)

Make sure you always provide the recipient with a method of opting out of your email to make sure you stay within the law.  When you write your email content think of a title that will encourage the recipient to open the email and write the content to grab their attention in the first few seconds otherwise they are unlikely to read on. Types of email lists:

  • In house lists, you’ve already developed
  • Rented lists
  • Lists your partners have developed
  • Advertising in third party e-newsletters

Viral Marketing

  • Buzz marketing – what shareable content can you create for the distribution of social media channels?  What works for your competitors? Video content is particularly shareable.
  • Generating social media mentions – Buzz marketing will clearly help but so will engage with your followers.
  • Sharable emails

And lastly don’t forget…

Offline Marketing

Make sure you mention prominently in all of your offline advertising efforts your website and if there is space in your social media channels.

  • Traditional advertising – paper, magazine, flyers, radio, TV
  • Sales promotions
  • Personal selling
  • PR
  • Sponsorship
  • Direct mail
  • Product packaging

I hope this post gives provides you some inspiration for ideas on how to build traffic to your website.

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Vipin Kumar May 9, 2020 0 Comments
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